Tree Fruit Summer Pruning Workshop 31st August
We don't have a picture of an apple tree yet, so here's a butterfly!
On Saturday 31st August from 2.30 to 5.00pm our sister farm, Tyninghame Organic Orchard will be holding a hands-on workshop on summer pruning of pears and apples, with some reference to plums. Led by Daniel Wight, fruit grower Tyninghame Organic Orchard. Numbers are restricted to 12 so please email us on the usual address if you want to book a place. First come first served. If you have a pair, please bring sharp bypass (not anvil) secateurs.
The event will be at Tyninghame Organic Orchard, St Baldreds, Tyninghame EH42 1XN. If you’ve been to the community farm before, it’s the same location.
St Baldreds is just to the north of Tyninghame village on A198. It is on the Eve 120 bus route between Dunbar, East Linton and North Berwick (arriving from Dunbar direction 14.24). Can walk up from village off road through orchard. If driving please park in Community Farm car park, through gate to north of house.
Suggested donation of £10 towards Tyninghame Community Farm. Free for low waged or on benefits.
Daniel Wight esq.